About Us

Spotter Life is a rate comparison website which provides free information to consumers about personal insurance (life, income protection, TPD and Trauma cover) and superannuation.

Spotter Life is run by a team of experienced financial industry and IT professionals, led by CEO Harley West.

Spotter Life Q&A

What does spotter life do?

Spotter Life is a price comparison service. We focus on personal insurance and superannuation. Spotter Life saves consumers time and money by providing rate comparisons in a central, easy to use website.

How does it work?

We source our data from a panel of financial institutions and insurers. Once you have entered your details you will either get an immediate quote online for some products, or if additional information is required one of our trained staff will be in contact within one business day.

How much does it cost?

For personal insurance products, we don’t charge customers anything for our service it is 100% free to customers.

How does spotter life make money?

Institutions pay us a fee for each sale that originates from our site. You will pay the same price whether you apply through Spotter Life or direct to the provider. In fact, in some cases we offer better deals than you could get by applying directly. Spotter Life is remunerated by the institutions by way of commission for any sales that are made. If you were referred to us by another website, we may pay them a commission upon sale. Once again, Spotter Life does not charge a fee for the service.

Tell me about your representative

When you enquire through a web form or on the telephone, Spotter Life works to find you a representative who is experienced in the product you are after..
While some of our representatives are employed by Spotter Life, we may refer you to a third-party representative if we believe that is in your best interest. Of course, we will always ask your permission before referring you. Please read our privacy policy for more information.

What about my privacy?

Spotter Life realises the importance of protecting your private information. Please read over our privacy policy and if you have any concerns or questions, do not hesitate to
contact us.